XI Class Admission 2023 Result 1st merit has been published on 05 September at 5 PM. For the applicants, this is the HSC Admission result 2023 1st Merit List. Most of the applicants have got college in this 1st Phase result. XI Class Admission Result can be checked through xiclassadmission.gov.bd Result portal.
After the XI Admission Gov Bd Result 1st Merit list, the confirmation starts. Students those have got college in this merit list have to confirm. The migration is available for the phases. Do you know about the migration? Or do you know about the confirmation process? The migration system and the confirmation process are mentioned here for the XI Admission applicants.
XI Class Admission 2023
Education Ministry has released the first phase XI Class College Admission Result on 05 September. After then, the confirmation will be start. Earlier, the online application was started on 10 August and ended on 20 August. Bangladesh 10 education board students have applied together for this admission. These applicants are getting XI College Admission Result together.
XI Class Admission Result 2023
Do you know how you will check the xiclassadmission Result? By using your smartphone, you can know your Class XI Admission Result easily. The result checking rules are mentioned here.
This xi class admission online result is published by the Education ministry. The whole XI Admission system is conducted by this authority. Students get SMS on their mobile phone about your result. There, you will see the college EIIN number.
Over 12 lakh students have submitted online application for this XI Admission. That is the reason, there will be three phases for the full admission procedure. The three phases timeline, and the final admission process details are given here for you.
XI Admission Result 1st Merit List
At application time, students have given the college preference. There, they have selected prioritized their desired college at first. Then the other colleges were chosen. However, every student wishes to get the first choice college. If you meet the requirements of the college then you will get your firstly chosen college.
Do you know how the merit list is made? Well, it is a complex process.
The authority verifies if you meet the requirement of the first chosen college. If you are eligible, then you will get the college. If it is not, then you will get the second chosen college. Also, if you don’t meet requirements of second chosen college then you will get the third one. This is how the system works and then the xiclassadmission.gov.bd Result is published.
XI Class Admission Result for 2023-24 session is available through xiclassadmission gov bd website. This is the main website for the Class XI admission. The students have submitted application through this portal. Further, the XI College Admission Result Gov BD can be checked by this website. On the result day, ‘View Result’ option will be seen. You will click on this tab to see result. For the students, ‘How to check XI Class Admission Result 2023’- the result checking process is mentioned.
XI Class College Admission Result 2023
Do you want to see your allocated college name? That’s what every student waits for. There is quota system available for this 2023-24 session. If you have any quota like- Freedom Fighter Quota then you will get advantage for this admission. The quota result will be published at the same time with general result.
Note: The online service and Call center will be closed on 06 September & 28 September, 2023.
The class will be start from 08 October. That means the full XI Admission process will be over before this date. The First phase, second phase and third phase application and result will be completed within this time schedule. There are over 12 lakh applicants for this XI Class Admission. That’s why it takes time to finish the procedure and publish the XI Class Admission Result.
xiclassadmission.gov.bd Result 2023
The admission result of XI Class is already published. You will follow these instructions to get your result-
- First, go to the portal xiclassadmission gov bd
- You will see ‘Check Result’ tab
- Click on ‘Check Result’
- Enter your SSC Roll & registration number
- Then submit to view result
The general result and quota result can be checked by this same method.
You will see the college name, group and shift name in the XI Class College Admission Result page. Migration is available for the students who have got college. But remember, you have to confirm. You will get the benefit of migration only if you confirm your seat.
For your kind information, the students who have got GPA-5 in SSC exam will get several advantages during the study period. No institution can claim session charge or monthly fee from a student who have got GPA-5.
XI Admission Gov Bd Result 2023
The XI Admission Result 1st Merit List has been released on 05 September, Tuesday. It is known that most of the students will get college in this XI Class Admission Result 2023 first merit list.
Check the timeline of the XI Admission 2023-
1st Phase:
Online Application | 10 to 20 August |
Result Publication | 05 September |
Confirmation | 07 to 10 September |
2nd Phase:
Online Application | 12 to 14 September |
Result Publication | 16 September |
Confirmation | 17 to 18 September |
3rd Phase:
Online Application | 20 to 21 August |
Result Publication | 23 September |
Confirmation | 24 to 25 September |
The Final Admission will be completed from 26 September to 05 October. During this schedule, the students of Science, Commerce & Arts will complete their XI Final Admission.
You have to remember that, if you don’t complete the admission within the deadline, your admission will be dismissed. That’s why you should be aware of the schedule and deadline.
For the admission process, your subject wise marks will be count. Suppose, two applicants have the same GPA and they have chosen the same college at first choice. That time, their English, Math and Bangla marks will be count. If these subjects’ marks are same then other subjects’ marks will be count.
How to Change Mobile Phone Number?
It strictly said to enter the correct phone number at application time. But still some students have provided the wrong number or something happened that caused to XI Class admission mobile number change.
For your kind information, XI Class Admission Gov Bd has the ‘Change Phone Number’ option for the applicants. By this option, you can change your phone number. You have to provide several information for the phone number changing process.
To change phone number:
- Go to xiclassadmission.gov.bd Result
- Click on ‘Phone Number Change’
- Enter your SSC information, Mother’s Name and the phone number
- Then submit it
You have to remember that, maximum three digits of the phone number can be changed. That means, if you wish to change the full phone number than it is not possible.
If you submit all these correct information then your phone number will be changed. Thus, you will be able to complete the final admission to the college which you have got in the XI College Admission Result.
If you still face difficulty to change phone number then you have to contact to the helpline number. You can directly make a call. The helpline number is different for each board. That means, you have to call your board-wise helpline number.
How to Recover Security Code?
XI Class Admission Gov Bd portal lets you to recover the security code. It happens to many students that they have lost Security code. Since this security code is much important, there is recovery process for this code.
To recover security code:
- Visit the XI Website xiclassadmission.gov.bd
- Click on the ‘Security Code Recover’
- There, you have to enter transaction ID, phone number and other details
- Then submit
The transaction ID you have got at application time. You must type correct phone number and the transaction ID for the recovery process.
After checking xiclassadmission.gov.bd Result, any students fall in confusion about the security code as they have lost. For the, the security code recovery process is mentioned here. At this moment, you have learned to recover the code. So, if you have lost then you can recover it.
XI Class Admission System 2024
You already know that, there will be three merit lists for this 2023-24 XI Admission process. You should learn about these three phases-
1st Merit List:
The first merit list is the most important for this XI Class Admission System. The XI Class Admission Result 2023 first merit list has been released. Most of the applicants have got college in this first merit list. For them, the confirmation starts from 07 September. Every student should know about the confirmation procedure. The students who have got college in this XI Result 1st merit list have to confirm within 10 September.
2nd Merit List:
The students who did not get college/madrasah in the first merit list, can apply for the second merit. Also, the students who did not applied for the XI Class College Admission Result first merit list can apply. The second merit list online application is continued from 12 September to 14 September. Then the XI Admission 2nd Merit list is published on 16 September. The confirmation date for second merit is 17 to 18 September.
3rd Merit List:
The XI Admission 3rd Merit list is the last and final step of 2023-24 admission process. There will be no phase for XI Class Admission System. The students who have got college in this XI Class Admission Result 3rd Merit list have to confirm between 24 to 25 September. Since it is the last step, you will not get any chance in this session. You must confirm your seat if you have got seat in the last merit list. Then the final admission will be started.
How to Confirm XI Class Admission?
There are many confusions about the confirmation. The student who has got college in the merit list has to confirm. For the confirmation, the payment has to be done.
Note: The confirmation fee is – 335 tk.For the first merit list, the confirmation date is from 07 to 10 September. The second merit list confirmation date is 17 to 18 September. Then, the third merit list confirmation date is 24 & 25 September.
What if you don’t confirm?
If you don’t confirm in the first merit list, then you can apply for the second phase. This is same for the second merit list. But you should be aware because, if you don’t confirm in the final merit list then your admission will be dispelled.
Education Ministry has already published XI Class Admission Result 2023. Now, the XI class admission confirmation payment system begins. Suppose, you did not get the first choice college. So, you have to confirm and wait for the migration. You may get your first choice college in the migration result.
Students can complete the confirmation process by their own. The payment can be done by Bkash, Rocket and Nagad. The confirmation process is simple, you pay the fee and confirmation is done. You must be careful while you pay the fee. Don’t make any mistake as this is the most important part for your admission.
XI Class Admission Migration
The Migration System:
Do you know about the migration system? If you are an applicant, you must know about the migration system for XI 2023-24 admission. Every student gets migration. You have to remember, the migration always goes for upper-selected institutes. The migration is available only if you did not get the first selected college. If you have got second, third, fourth or further college then migration is available for you.
Note: You cannot turn ‘off’ or ‘On’ migration. It is automatically turned on.
Migration is available for xi class admission online result first and second merit list. After every XI Class College Admission Result merit list, the migration result will be released. The migration is as important as the XI Class Admission Result.
The XI Admission first merit list migration result will be released with the second phase result. By the same way, second merit list migration result will be release with the third phase result. And there will be no migration for third phase.
Please keep in mind that, migration is available only if you confirm. The student who will not confirm, will not get migration. That’s why if you have got college in any merit list, you have to confirm for your seat.
XI College Admission Result Gov BD 2023
xiclassadmission.gov.bd Result is released. You may have checked your result. You may know the college name which you have been given. There are several steps you have to follow for the admission.
For this XI Class Admission 2024, quota is available. This year, 93% seat is fixed for general students. 05% seat is fixed for Freedom Fighter Quota in any institution. The rest 02% seat is Education Quota. If you have applied for quota, then you have to show proper documents at final admission time.
The applicants needed to wait two week for the result. Finally, they can know their allocated college name. XI Admission Gov Bd Result 2023 first merit list is now available. Students could change their groups at application time. Students were able to apply for several groups of one institution.
For your kind information, you can pay the fee through mobile banking system. After publishing XI Admission Result, the confirmation starts. Well, the time for XI class admission confirmation payment system is limited. After every merit list publication, the confirmation time starts. The first merit list confirmation timeline is from 07 to 10 September.
XI Class Admission Gov Bd 2023
The applicants have got their XI Class Admission Result 2023 from here. The xiclassadmission.gov.bd Result website is showing the result to the students.
Security Code:
At application time, you have got one security code. This security code is very important for you. If you anyhow lost the security code then you may face hassle. Though there is way to recover security code, it is painful.
Why the Security code is important?
If you wish to change or update your application, your security code is needed. You cannot change or update college choice without the security code. Also, you will need security code at final admission time. That’s why you need to keep the security code.
Some applicants may have lost their security code. They need to recover the security code. Yes, it is possible to recover security code from XI Class Admission Gov Bd portal.
XI Class Admission Online Result 2023
According to the statistics, over 12 lakhs of students have applied for the XI Class HSC Admission. It is because, students of all education boards have applied in this session. This year, 16 lakh students have passed the SSC Exam. These students were able to apply with eligibility. .
According to the statistics, the total seat number is many more than the applicant number. So, the applicants can relax knowing they will get seat in a college.
The applicant number was huge. That’s why three phases needed to conduct the XI Admission System. Students have waited two weeks for the first merit list. The XI Class Admission Online Result is published within the promised date; there is not any delay to publish result.
Phone Number:
The phone number is important for the admission. You will get SMS to your mobile phone about your result. If you have given the wrong phone number then it will be headache for you. That’s why you should have given the right phone number at application time. But don’t worry if you need to change the phone number.
Madrasah and College level admission is managed simultaneously. Students could have selected Madrasah/College minimum 05 and up to 10 at application time. They have got their XI Admission Result 1st Merit List and they are going for the next steps. The confirmation process is started after XI Class Admission Result publication.
xiclassadmission gov bd
The XI Class Admission 2023 Result is published today. The xiclassadmission.gov.bd Result website is providing the XI Class College Admission Result for the applicants. Now you may have seen the college name on XI Class Admission Result. The XI Admission Result Merit List checking process is mentioned here so that you can see result.
The XI Admission Result 1st Merit List is made according to the SSC GPA. There has not been any type of admission test for this XI Class Admission System. Though most of the students have got college in this merit list, a lot of students have to wait for the next merit list. The students who have not get college or did not confirmed, can apply for the next phase. The second phase will be continued from 12 September. That time, you can apply if you did not get college in the XI College Admission Result.
First merit migration result will be available with the second phase result. You will check the migration result by the same way.
FAQs about XI Admission 2023
Q. How can I get XI class admission result?
Answer: From xiclassadmission gov bd you can see your result.
Q. How can I check my XI admission result by SMS?
Answer: The authority will send you short SMS in your mobile phone.
Q. What is the admission confirmation fee for XI class?
Answer: The selection confirmation fee is 335 tk.
Q. Is it possible to recover Security Code?
Answer: Yes, you can recover your security code from XI Admission Gov Bd website.
Q. Is it possible to Change mobile phone number?
Answer: Yes, you can change phone number.
Q. How can I migrate XI class admission?
Answer: The Migration is available for you and it is automatically turned on. The migration goes for upper-selected colleges.
Q. How can I check my college migration result?
Answer: You will check migration result by the same way you have seen the merit list.
The XI Class Admission System is fully described here. The students can now see their college name as the result checking method is mentioned here. The ‘Phone Number Change’ & ‘Security Code Recovery’ process is mentioned here. After all three phases, the final admission will be started from 26 September. HSC Class will be start from 08 October. So, complete the final admission within the schedule and join your class with your new friends.
source https://resultbd24.com/xi-class-admission-1st-merit/