College Admission Result 2023 1st Merit list is available from 05 September. Govt. and non govt. college admission result is published simultaneously. College Admission 1st Merit List can be checked from here. You need to enter SSC information like Roll & Registration number to see your result.
How to check HSC Admission Result 2023 Merit Lists? For the applicants, the HSC 1st year Admission Result checking process is instructed here. You will see the college name which you have got.
You have got college according to your SSC GPA and the college choice preference you have given. HSC College Admission Result 1st Merit Result is the first step of the admission process. There will be total three merit lists. However, check your HSC XI Class Admission Result and see the college name.
College Admission Result 2023
Bangladesh Education Ministry has published the College Admission Result through xiclassadmission gov bd portal. But luckily, you don’t need to go anywhere to know your result. From this website, general and quota result can be checked.
College Admission Result 1st Merit List is the most important part of the XI Class Admission System. Every student waits to see his college name. Whereas there is huge number of applicants, it is not possible to give all of them college in the first merit. Thus, second and third phase will be run for the applicants.
Applicants are getting college XI Result after waiting for two weeks. The first phase online application was taken from 10 to 20 August. Then, after the preparation of the result, it is published on 05 September.
HSC Admission Result 2023
HSC College Admission Result 2024 published for govt. and non govt. colleges/institutes/Madrasah. The students passed from general board, technical board and from Open University have applied for the College Admission. At now, their waiting ends since the Intermediate vorti result is published.
Many applicants have the same questions- How to check College Admission Result 2024? All board applicants can get their result by the same way, from here. XI 1st Phase Result is available on the website of Education Ministry.
College Admission Result 1st Merit List
Over 12 lakhs students have applied for the College Admission 2023-24 session. These students are now getting to know their XI Results. Now students wait for xi class admission result 1st merit list so students found here.
Confirming the seat is an essential part of the admission system. Students must confirm for their seat. The first merit students confirmation time is from 07 to 10 September. Those will not confirm, will lose the seat.
Intermediate 2023-24 session class will be start from October month. College Admission 1st Merit list students will complete the final admission in the last week of September month. There were Freedom fighter, Education Quota, Disable Quota and minority quota for the admission. The quota result is published with the general result.
How to Check XI Class Admission Result 2023?
Students, don’t be worried for the result. It is normal that you badly want to know the institute name. Check the result by following instructions-
- Browse xiclassadmission gov bd
- Click on ‘View Result’
- Then submit SSC Roll/Registration to get result
You will see college name, shift and group there. Also, you will see the quota name. If you did not applied for quota then ‘General’ quota will be seen.
Please be alert for confirmation. If you don’t confirm, then your first phase seat and application will be dismissed. If that happens, then you will need to apply again by paying the fee in the next phase. That’s why every student has to confirm his seat.
HSC Merit Lists 2023-24
College Admission 1st Merit list is published on 05 September. The second merit list will be published on 16 September. Then the third and final merit list will be released on 23 September. The students who will not confirm by these three merit list will not be able to get admission in this session.
Education Ministry has released HSC XI Class Admission Result for 10 boards together. Thus, all the applicants can get result by the same time. You should know one thing, you have got a security code at application time. This code is important for the final admission procedure. So, keep this code and don’t lose it.
HSC College XI Class Admission Result 2023
The students get migration in this 2023-24 session admission. The first migration result will be published on 16 September. Then, the second migration result will be released on 23 September. You have to remember that, there will be no migration for the third merit.
Today, the SSC College Admission Result 1st Merit list is released. The College admission result link is given here. The applicants will go to the link and look for result. You may got SMS from the authority about the result. But sometimes, it may take time to send you the SMS. So, don’t wait for the message, check HSC Vorti Result from the internet.
Final Words: The final admission will be completed from 26 September to 05 October. Please confirm your college and complete admission within the schedule.