XI Class Migration Result 2023 will be available on 16 September at 05:00 PM. This is the second HSC Admission Migration Result publishing with the 2nd merit result. The migration is automatically, it goes for upper choice. From here you can know your XI Class Admission Auto Migration Result. Also, the details about what you have to do next are described here. So, read the passages carefully.
The XI class admission authority is Bangladesh Education Ministry. According to the notice, this year over 13 lakh and 50 thousands students have applied. So, authority has to publish three merit lists and two migration results for the admission process. XI Class Migration Result 2023 today released online on xiclassadmission gov bd.
XI Class Migration Result 2023
The merit XI Class Migration Result is published for the students who have been selected in the merit lists. Students confirmed their selection and today they are going to know their migration result. Authority gives you college according to your upper college selection. This is the second and last migration result for 2022-23 session admission.
If there is any empty seat in upper colleges then you will get seat in that college. However, if authority is not able to give you a seat in upper choice college then you will stay in the 2nd merit given college. The migration result can be checked by the same way you have checked previous merit lists.
XI Class Admission Migration Result 2023
HSC College Migration Result 2023 Published Today. If you have got 5th college of the preference then you will get migration for 1 to 4th college. But if you have got the 1st choice of the preference then you will not get migration. The students who confirmed in the first two merits will get the migration result today. Students will check migration result by the same way they have checked previous merit lists.
- What you will need to check the Xi class migration result?
- Ans: You will need SSC roll, registration and security code to know the XI Class Admission Migration Result.
www xiclassadmission gov bd migration result
The process of migration is fully automatically; you cannot turn off or turn on the migration by your own. Only the students who have confirmed the selection will get migration result. If you have not confirmed then you will not get migration and you have to apply again.
Above 13 lakh students have applied for the HSC admission 2022-23 session. Most of the students have got college in the first merit list. So, they get the benefit of migration after confirmation. First two merit lists are already completed.
How to Check XI Class Admission Migration Result? Students will know their XI Class migration result from the HSC admission related website. HSC college admission result 2022 is published today. So students now check your result by following the result checking system here.
How to Check XI Class Admission Migration Result?
The 2nd merit list will be start from 12 to 14 September. If your college is not changed in the 2nd merit migration result then don’t worry. There will be another migration result. So, there is possibility of college change in the 2nd migration result which is going to be published on 16 September, 2023.
You may have many questions about the migration system. Here we have tried to cover all the details about the migration. If your college is changed then do you need to confirm again? The answer is here. You can know the valuable information here.
To know your XI Class Migration result 2023:
- First visit the website http://xiclassadmission.gov.bd/
- Then go to the ‘View Result’ section
- Enter your SSC Roll, registration and board name
- Then enter the captcha code
- Submit and you will see your result
This is how you will check your result from the portal. Sometimes you will find the server busy. That time you can try with another browser. Every students get migration result online. But students search Migration Result kivabe dekhbo? Here you found simple process for hey migration result.
If your college is changed then you don’t have to do anything. The rest of the answer is given below for the students. Both govt and non-govt college HSC admission result 2nd merit is published together. Also, madrasa admission result is available on the XI Class admission website.
Migration Result kivabe dekhbo
XI Class Migration Result kivabe dekhbo 2023. Students check HSC Migration result 2023 on xiclassadmission gov bd. So, students are getting the 2nd merit list migration result already published.
Most of the students have already checked the 2nd merit list result. The official portal is providing the result for students. You have to click on ‘View Result’ tab to check your result. Students can check result from the provided website link.
If your migration is done then you will see a new college name there. But if migration is not done then there will be no change and you will see the previous college name. So students check your xi class migration result from our website.
XI Class Admission Migration Result 2023
You may receive one SMS from authority about the migration result. If you don’t get SMS then check the result from www xiclassadmission gov bd website. Your new college name will be shown in the screen if the college is changed through migration.
The last merit list result is already published by the authority. If you want to check result from the website then go to website and enter your SSC information in the empty boxes to see your college name.
What to do if college is changed through migration?
That is a good question. Well, some students think that they have to confirm again for new college. But it’s not true, you don’t need to confirm again although your college is changed. Confirmation has to be done only once by paying the fee.
So, don’t fall into confusion about the admission system. If you have any other question to know then you can ask here about that. We will try to answer you by providing correct information..
Last word: Every students they can be check xi class 2nd migration college change result. Its very simple way to know migration result on xiclassadmission.gov.bd. Finally, all the students have got their 2nd merit results.
source https://resultbd24.com/xi-class-migration-result/