XI Admission Result 2023 for every colleges is published on 05 September. Every college is taking 2023-24 session student by following XI Class Admission System. By SMS and by online the XI Class Admission Result is published. From xiclassadmission gov bd Result, you can know your college name.
XI Admission Result 2023
The XI Class Admission Result 2023 is published through official XI Admission website xiclassadmission gov bd. The college admission authority will inform the xi admission result of the applicants by mobile SMS. The SMS will be sent to the phone number which was given at the application time.
How to check XI Admission Result 2023? Let me explain the process. You need to browse the website xiclassadmission gov bd result 2023 to know your allocated college name. You need to provide SSC information to check XI Admission 1st Merit List Result.
XI Class Admission Result 2023
Govt and Non Govt Colleges XI Admission Result 2023 Details are described here. Meanwhile the first merit list students will get migration for their preferred college. Here, you will need to enter your roll and reg. number to find out the result.
You have got college according to your SSC obtained GPA. Your subject wise marks are considered for the merit list. Your age is also considered when your GPS is same with another applicant. Students check now XI admission Result through online website.
Migration: The migration process is quite complex. But you need to understand this. There will be two migration result for this session. First merit and second merit migration result will be available. But if you have got first choice college then migration is not valid for you.
xiclassadmission gov bd Result
Thousands of students did not get college in the first merit list. What to do if you did not get college? There will be two more phases for this 2023-24. The candidates will be able to apply for the next phase.
The first merit students will confirm their selection from 07 to 10 September. If you do not confirm, then you will lose your selection for this college. That time, you have to apply again in the next phase.
Xiclassadmission gov bd is the main portal of Education Ministry to conduct this admission procedure. The XI Admission Result 2023 is available on this portal. You will browse this web page to know your xiclassadmission gov bd Result college name.
xi class admission result
Www xiclassadmission Result 2024 is available from 05 PM. If you have got college then you will receive SMS in your mobile phone. But if you do not get college them you will not get any SMS. But you can be confirmed about your XI Class Admission Result through the online portal.
To know your XI Admission 1st Merit List Result:
- At first, visit the admission website xiclassadmission gov bd
- Then click on View Result tab
- Two empty box will appear
- Enter your SSC Roll & Reg. Number
- Submit to view the result
Then the result page will be shown there. Sometimes the website page may work slow, that time keep patient and try again to know your result.
XI Admission Result 1st Merit List
Students have checked https://ift.tt/Q05weTO Result from this portal. Some students may become happy to see their college name. But the students who did not get college will be sad. However, there is nothing to worry about, two other phases apply it start from 12 September 2023.
For the applicants, first merit list migration result will be released on 16 September. Your college may change by this migration. However, if you don’t confirm then you will not get migration and you will need to apply again. The second phase will be start from 12 September and it will be continued to 14 September.
XI Admission Result
About 1.2 million students have submitted online application for the 2024 admission. Among them, most of the students got college according to their Grade point. Unluckily, many students did not get college due to lower grades. But they will check the xiclassadmission gov bd Result second merit list to know college name.
The final admission date is already announced by Education Ministry.
- Final Admission: 26 September to 05 October
- Class Start: 08 October
The students who completed confirmation after getting XI Admission Result 2023, will finish the admission process. For the final admission you need to follow some rules and formalities.
XI Admission Result 2023-2024
The last step of this 2023-24 session admission is the final admission. First merit, second merit and third merit students who have confirmed have to complete the final admission within the schedule.
For the final admission you need to submit some documents. These are:
- Original Transcript
- Original Certificate
- Online Admission form
- Payment Receipt
- Quota Documents (If have any)
Note: It is better to read your college notice for the admission. All the details and information are mentioned in the notice.
Students, the XI Admission Result 2023 first merit list is published. Complete the confirmation and wait for the final admission. Other merit lists and migration results can be checked from here. Feel free to ask any question if you have any.
source https://resultbd24.com/xi-admission-result/