Polytechnic Admission Result 2023 1st Merit List publishing date is 07 September. No admission test is taken, by assessing SSC GPA, applicants have got institute. Bangladesh Technical Education Board has released BTEB Admission Result 2023 through https://ift.tt/H4EYovO Result.
From here, the applicants can check Polytechnic Admission 2023 Result. The applicants will know the institution which they have got. Govt. Polytechnic Admission Result is available for Engineering, Marine, textile and other courses. If you have applied, then please know your allocated institution name and the subject name from here.
Polytechnic Admission Result 2023
On 07 September, the first merit list of XI Polytechnic Admission result 2024 is released. The first phase confirmation timeline is from 07 September to 11 September. The applicants have waited only one week for the BETB Diploma Admission result. Today they are going to know the institution name which is fixed for them.
XI Polytechnic Admission result 2023 is available after the online application was held from 09 to 31 August. The auto migration is available for this first merit list. This migration is automatic but you can turn it off. Once you turn of the migration, you cannot turn it on again.
BTEB Admission Result 1st Merit List
Most of the applicants have applied for engineering course. You can check your institution name form the bteb admission gov bd portal. There, you need to enter your SSC information (Roll, Registration and Passing year) to know the result. The step by step Polytechnic Institute Admission Result checking method is described.
Some other courses which are also popular under BTEB. Diploma in Marine Engineering Result, Diploma in Textile Engineering Result & Diploma in Agriculture Result can be checked by the same time. All the applicants will check out their Admission result by following the same method. The same result checking portal is publishing the results for the students.
How to Check Polytechnic Admission Result?
Students those have applied for govt. institutions will check their results today. There are several benefits to study under a govt. polytechnic institution. That’s why there is increased number of applicants for govt. courses.
I think BTEB courses are quite beneficial than the general HSC course. It helps to get a bright future. How to Check Polytechnic Admission Result? – this question is common among all the polytechnic Admission applicants. So, here I am showing you how you will know your Polytechnic Admission Result 2024.
The students who have less GPA may get institution in the second merit. These students are in BTEB Polytechnic Result Waiting List. If you did not get institution in first merit list then don’t lose hope, you will check for the second merit.
https://ift.tt/H4EYovO Result
There were various types of quota available for this 2023-24 admission. There were Technical board quota, female quota and age (who is not over 18 years) quota etc.
The applicants have to browse the official website btebadmission.gov.bd Result to know the result. The detailed process is –
- First go to the btebadmission.gov.bd Result website
- Then click on ‘View Result’ tab
- Enter SSC roll & Registration
- Then enter captcha and submit
Your college name will be shown along with the subject name. The confirmation starts by the same date. You need to make the payment for confirming your selection.
Note: If you do not confirm your selection, then you have to apply again in the second phase. The second phase will be held from 13 September to 15 September.
BTEB Diploma Admission Result 2023
Polytechnic Admission Result Waiting List:
The applicants who did not get institution are in the waiting list. If no institution is allocated for you in the BTEB Institute Admission Result then you are in the waiting list. The applicants in the waiting list don’t have to apply again.
BTEB Diploma Admission Result Link is already given here for the applicants. You will go to the result checking website portal and search for your result. You may receive SMS about your result in the first merit list. Checking the result is now available from btebadmission gov bd result.
The first merit list migration result will be released on 19 September. The students who have got institution in the first merit will check their result once again. You should know that there will be no migration for the second merit list.
XI Polytechnic Admission 2023 Result
Remember, if your institution is changed by the migration then you don’t need to confirm again.
XI Polytechnic Institution Admission result 2024 first merit list is already published. The final admission will be completed after publishing the two phase results. Technical Board authority has announced the final admission date.
The second merit list will be released on 19 September. From 25 September to 02 October, the Polytechnic Final Admission will be held. The applicants who will confirm in the first merit or second merit will complete the final admission within the mentioned schedule.
For the applicants, the polytechnic Admission Result checking method is described here. Please know your institution name and confirm. Then wait for the final admission. Feel free to ask if you have any queries.
source https://resultbd24.com/polytechnic-1st-merit-list/