BOU SSC Result 2023 has been released today. Bangladesh Open University BOU SSC Result is published 7th August at 4 pm on exam bou ac bd website. Students of Open University can check their results from bou org bd SSC result website. Students have to provide their Student ID to view the BOU SSC Result marksheet.
This is the combined result for SSC 1st year and 2nd year. This year, BOU Result 2023 published and the passing rate is 63.60%. A total of 33 thousands of students have participated in the SSC Exam. Among them 21 thousands 461 students have been able to pass the exam. However, today all the BOU students can download their BOU SSC Result 2023 marksheet.
BOU SSC Result 2023
Bangladesh Open University has published the SSC Result 2023 on 7 August. Earlier authority took the final exam with the registered students. The result is published on exam bou ac bd and bou org bd/result portal. Every students get result with marksheet online process ru
- Authority: Bangladesh Open University (BOU)
- SSC Result published: 7th August 2023
- Passing Rate: 63.60%
- Total GPA-5: 93
Bangladesh Open University authority has declared the result. All district students get result online and sms way. Open University SSC Result 2023 is published simultaneously for all of the students. According to the BOU notice, all SSC Passed students download full Marksheet.
Open University SSC Result Marksheet
BOU SSC final result 2023 is available on bou org bd/result website. But the detailed result marksheet is available on exam bou org bd BOU SSC Result 2023 with marksheet website. For the students, here is the result checking instruction given. Moreover, students get the result checking link here which can be used to download marksheet.
![BOU SSC Result 2023 Marksheet - Exam BOU ac bd result 4 bou ssc result BOU SSC Result 2023 Marksheet - Exam BOU ac bd result](
BOU SSC Result 2023 Published now at BOU Official Website Among total passed students, 12316 are male students and 9145 are female students. A good number of the candidates have got A+ in the SSC exam. Now they want to know her GPA and download final marksheet.
bou org bd SSC result with marksheet
Bangladesh Open University students can know the BOU SSC Result 2023 by two ways. Firstly, the students will check their Open University SSC Result from online portal. Secondly, students can know the result by SMS. You have to type the SMS and send it to 2777 number to know your result.
www bou ac bd and exam bou ac bd both websites are providing the SSC Exam result for the students. Easily students can download BOU SSC Result 2023 marksheet from these websites. If you want to check the detailed BOU SSC Result marksheet then you have to browse exam bou ac bd.
Students want to know about the BOU SSC Result 2023 checking system. Here is the instruction given for downloading the result. Bou students follow the system to check bou org bd SSC result with marksheet. A total of 33 thousands students have participated in the SSC exam.
exam bou ac bd SSC Result 2023
BOU Authority has published a notice on bou ac bd website about the SSC Result 2023 publication. The passing rate, total passed and total GPA-5 number is mentioned in that notice. Students will download their marksheet from the portal.
To check your final result:
- First you have to browse
- There you will find two boxes
- The first one is exam name, please select exam name-SSC
- Second one is for your student ID number
- Enter your Student ID there
- Then submit and view result
Then you will see your BOU SSC Result 2023 in the screen. You have to type your student id with hyphen, otherwise the Open University BOU SSC Result 2023 will not be shown. Students of SSC they check be her SSC marksheet details subject wise.
BOU SSC Exam Result 2023 on their official website Every students they get result on website. After login inter your students id than submit and check bou SSC result 2023. Open University students they check result on website.
bou edu bd SSC Result 2023
This is how you will check your result from online. But if you want to download your marksheet then you will browse exam bou ac bd website. For In detail, Year-wise and Semester-wise Result Sheet, please visit:
Follow instructions to download marksheet:
- Browse the website
- Then select program name-SSC
- Enter your student ID
- Then download marksheet.
Students from Bangladesh all district have participated in the SSC exam in 2023. So, all of them are going to know their BOU SSC Result. Students now download her SSC marksheet online way on exam bou ac bd website.
BOU has released the SSC Result 2023 on this day in 2023. BOU SSC Result 2023 with Marksheet has been Published by Bangladesh Open University. Students visit on Exam BOU AC BD than download marksheet. Students have been waiting a few months to know the result. However, BOU students’ waiting is over and all of them can check result from the portal.
www bou ac bd SSC Exam Result 2023
This year, the result is lower than the previous year’s result. Bangladesh Open University SSC Result Marksheet is now live. In previous year, the passing rate was 70% which is now 63%. However, the Chairman of BOU has announced they are working hard to improve the quality.
Checking the BOU Result is easy if you follow the given result checking process. SSC -2023 batch. However, among them, 75 thousands students attended the 1st and 2nd year final exam. Then 33 thousands and 745 students took part in the SSC final exam. Students Check BOU SSC Result 2023 Through SMS. The passing rate is 63.60% this year.
Open University SSC Result 2023 by SMS
Apart from the online way, BOU provides the SSC Result by SMS. It is a good way for the students to know BOU SSC Result 2023. Students also know her result by SMS following rules.
To check result by SMS:
- Open mobile SMS option
- Type- BOU <> Your Student ID and send the SMS to 2777
The SSC Exam was held few months ago. The result is published. Students can easily check result by following the given instructions. By the way, if you have any query then you can tell us.