St Joseph College Admission Circular 2023 has been released on August 2023. The authority has announced the admission test date and other important details related to the admission. Students those were waiting for the St Joseph College HSC Admission now can apply for it. St Joseph College 11th Admission is going to be started on January month. The admission system is online and you have to submit your application through website.
St Joseph College HSC Admission 2023 there will be both written and viva test for the admission. Students of Science, Business Studies and Humanities can apply for St Joseph College Admission. The admission full process is described here with the admission requirements, admission fee and admission test. There are Bangla and English Medium for Science group. For Business Studies and Humanities group there is only Bangla Medium program available. There will be separate admission test for Science, Business Studies and Humanities applicants.
St Joseph College Admission 2023
St Joseph College takes their HSC admission separately by their own system getting permission from Higher Secondary Board. There is requirement for students to apply for admission test. If you feel you are eligible and you are able to pass the test then submit your application online. To be noted that the admission result is prepared very soon after the admission test.
Update: St Joseph School & College HSC Admission 2023 application start August 2023. Every Students apply by website
Many students look for the St Joseph College admission but not all the students get chance in it. Because, the admission test is much harder to pass. Most of the applicants could not pass the admission test. If you pass the St Joseph College Admission test you can get admit into it.
St Joseph College HSC Admission 2023
There will be different subject question for the admission test. So every students they apply admission circular on St Joseph College Admission 2023.
The admission result will be available in the college website sjs edu bd. You can visit this website to know your result. Also will provide your result on the result day. Visit our page to know your admission result and every update information related to the admission process.
Some students ask for – how to know St Joseph College Admission Result? The Result process is easier than you think. Follow:
- Go to website
- Click on ‘Notice’
- Given your Roll number
- Download Result in PDF
St Joseph College HSC Admission Result 2023
For the application, you have to pay the admission fee 260 tk fee using Bkash mobile banking. If you provide any wrong information or the payment is not completed then your application will not be accepted. In 2023 session, the highest number of seat is fixed for science group. On the other hand, the lowest number of seat is given for Humanities group.
For the St Joseph College Admission, you can also change your group. But there you have to ensure minimum requirement for the change.
The group changing requirements are:
- Science to Business Studies and Humanities – GPA 3.50
- Business Studies to Humanities – GPA 3.00
St. Joseph Higher Secondary School Admission 2022 HSC Admission Notice 2022 apply start 7th and end 11th November 2022. There are many colleges but St Joseph is the best college in Dhaka City. Thats why every year a huge number of students apply for the admission in St Joseph College.
St Joseph College Admission Test Result
The admission will go through written and viva exam. First authority will take the admission test and then the viva test will be taken. The written test will be taken for 100 marks. There will be 2 hours for the exam. The exam paper will be evaluated within one week and the result will be published.
In the exam hall, you must bring:
- Your Admission test admit card
- SSC admit card
- Academic transcript
Anyhow, if you fail to show these documents in the exam hall that might be harmful for your admission. So, make sure you take your necessary papers in the exam hall.
St Joseph College HSC Admission Result 2023
Saint Joseph College HSC Admission Result pdf download. As we have said the result is ready within a short time after the admission test. Applicants become excited to know their result after admission test. The merit list result will be published at first. The waiting list will be there for the St Joseph College Admission.
Science: Bangla, English, General Knowledge, Chemistry, Higher Math, Physics and Biology
Business Studies: Bangla, English, General Knowledge, Accounting, Finance & Banking and Business Entrepreneurship
Humanities: Bangla, English, General Knowledge, Geography & Environment
St Joseph College Admission Requirements
Fulfilling the requirements you can submit your online application at any time before the deadline. The Requirements are:
- Science: Minimum GPA 5.00 in SSC exam (For both Bangla and English medium)
- Business Studies: Minimum GPA 3.50 in SSC exam
- Humanities: Minimum GPA 2.50 in SSC exam
The online application can be done through the www web page. This is the official website responsible for the admission 2023 session. This link is given here so that you can submit your application from here.