For the SSC Candidates, Education Board SSC Result 2023 Released on 28 July 2023. This year Passing Rate is 94.45 Percent. Www govt education board result BD is providing SSC Result 2023 for all board students across the country. Students will download their marksheet from www educationboardgovbd SSC Result 2023.
On 28 July 2023, SSC Result is being published. From 10.30 AM, students can check their results.
Excited to see SSC marksheet? Don’t worry; from here you can get your SSC Exam result with subject wise number. The exam has been taken between 30 April to 25 May. Within only two months, Education Ministry has released the result.
Education Board Result
Checking results from Education Board portal is easy. You have to select exam name, then you will select board name. You have to choose the exam year. Please remember, you must select ‘2023’ as exam year. Then you have to enter roll and registration number.
SSC Exam is a public exam in our country. Every year, around 20 lakhs of candidates appear in the exam under 11 education boards. This year, the number is increased but the exam has been taken without any hassle, thanks to the Education Ministry’s right management.
Though most of the students look for individual marksheet, the board wise analytics is important. Thus, the govt education board portal publishes each board result analytics and district wise result as well as individual result.
www govt education board result BD
Bangladesh Education Board authority provides the result to the students by several ways. It because, students try to search result continuously on the result day. Thus, the portal sometimes go down.
It is the time of digitalization, every person has a smartphone at hand. That’s why it is very easy to find out the SSC Exam Result by online. Students feel free to check out results within a short time. In previous time, it was headache to check result through the internet.
SSC 2023 Exam Result info-
- Authority: Bangladesh Education Ministry
- Exam Held: 30 April to 25 May
- Result Published by: Prime Minister (Sheikh Hasina)
- Result publication time: 10.30 AM in the morning
Education Board Result Marksheet With Number
The students who have participated in the SSC exam they are extremely nervous to know the result. For them, GPA matters the most. The reason behind it, they have studied two years for this result. This is the result for SSC Students of 2021-22 session.
Over 20 lakh students have appeared in the exam this year. Most of them are regular students of 2021-22 session. But some students are irregular and some have failed in previous year. However, all these students are getting their www educationboardgovbd SSC Resultsimultaneously.
Before the announcement of the result, each board chairman handed the result to the PM. After then Dr. DipuMoni has finalized the result so that they PM could announce it.
Education Board Result BD
The 2023 SSC Exam Result is published through Education Board Resultgovbd portal. Do you know how to check SSC Result? If you don’t know, don’t be scared. The result checking method is fully described here with step-by-step guidance.
Please follow the process-
- Go to www educationboardgovbd
- Enter your roll and registration number
- Submit and check result
You will need to enter a captcha code which is used for security issue. However, if the site works perfect, you will get your result marksheet within a few seconds.
Education Ministry has ordered every school to show the result list in the school campus. So that the students can know result by going to the school.
www education board gov bd SSC Result
The parents want to see the full detailed result of their son/daughter. That’s why it is needed to check the marksheet with each subject wise number. There is another web portal under Education Ministry which publishes result. But that portal only provides the www educationboardgovbd SSC Resultwith grades.
Sometimes you may find the website browsing slowly. It happens when a large number of students try to check result at the same time. Since this portal provides all types of public exam result, there are sometimes crowd trying to check result.
The www educationboardgovbd is run by Intermediate and Secondary Education Boards Bangladesh. The authority controls and updates this website portal.
Some students think that Dakhil and Vocational Result is published by other portal. But it is not true, SSC, Dakhil and Technical Board result is published by this same portal.
Education Board Result Marksheet
Do you want to see the statistics of the SSC Result 2023? It is possible to check the board wise statistics of the SSC exam result by the www govt education board result BDpublication portal. Also, you can see your school wise detailed result. This includes total candidate number, total passed, group wise student number and total GPA-5. For this, you have to enter the EIIN number of your school.
The percentage of female students’ result is more than the percentage of boys result. But that’s a small difference. It can be said that both male and female students have scored good result this year. For your information, there are some institutions that have scored 100% of passing rate. No students of these schools have failed in any subject.
BD Education Board Result
Every student’s intention is to find out the SSC marksheet through the internet portal. It is because, they can compare the result with other friend’s result. Also, concerned parents and relatives ask for the marksheet and they want to know.
In Bangladesh, GPA-5 has been normal. But in previous time, it was rare if someone obtained GPA-5 or A+ in the SSC exam. This year, there is more than 2 lakh 70 thousands of GPA-5 in all education boards. Only in Dhaka Board, 64 thousands of students have got GPA-5.
I think you have got your SSC result by following the mentioned result checking process. The next step is the board challenge. It will be started from the next day of www educationboardgovbd SSC Result publication. The students who have not passed can apply for board challenge.