Dakhil Result 2023 Madrasa Board Has been published 25 July 2023 in the website of Education ministry of Bangladesh. Madrasa board SSC result is now available here. You can get your GPA result with numbers. You can download your SSC mark sheet from here. All the student check for your madrasah board result 2023 now download with subject wise marksheet.
Our Education Minister Dr. Dipu Moni has announced to publish the Dakhil Exam SSC Result 2023. All the candidates will be able to know the result from 12 PM at noon. Students get result online with final marksheet on bmeb gov bd website.
Dakhil Result Madrasah Board
At the first time there was a confusion about the Dakhil Exam Result publication date. It was first confirmed that the result would be published. Then the final result publication date was announced by the Education Minister.
- The passing rate is %
- Total Appeared:
- Passed:
- GPA-5:
Students can check their Dakhil exam Result 2023 from our website. You can get your result from the eboardresults.com website like other boards. You will need your SSC registration and roll number to check your result.
Dakhil Result 2023
As Education board has three groups. Science, Business Studies and Humanities are three groups know SSC Result 2023. The result publication date has been fixed by the Education Board Committee. Also they have published the result on the eboard result official website.
Madrasa Board is one of the biggest education board of our country. In Madrasa board there are many Madrasa which provides SSC exam result. In Madrasa Board SSC exam is known as Dakhil exam. After 10th grade of class Madrasa Board takes Dakhil Exam.
Dakhil result marksheet with number
This year, our education ministry Dr. Dipu Moni has praised the Dakhil Exam result. Madrasa students were able to score a good result and obtain a good number of A+. The Head of Madrasa Education Board announced to hold this good result will be seen every year.
Dakhil Result 2023 has been published in this website also. So if you find problem to get your result in eboardresults.com you can find your result here. You can also find your madrasha board exam results from the official result publishing website.
Madrasah Education Board Result 2023
Update News: The Dakhil examination result 2023 will be published. Prime minister Sheikh Hasina will announce the passing rate and total GPA-5 number in all over Bangladesh.
Every year a large number of student participate in the Dakhil exam and today they all are waiting for the Dakhil Result 2023. Dakhil exam is taken with SSC Exam as both have same mandatory subjects like Bangla, English and Math.
Dakhil Result is equivalent as the SSC result. Because both are taken after 10th grade of class. So you can Get your result and Download Dakhil Mark sheet from online. We will show you the way because most of the Dakhil students wants to know about it.
Madrasa Board SSC result 2023
Eboardresults.com is the website where you can find your Dakhil Result 2023. You just have to chose your Dakhil exam there for your result. this is the website every board are allowed to publish there result. It is easy to know the result if you use the internet on your mobile phone.
To check for result:
- Visit the website of http://www.educationboardresults.gov.bd/
- There you will find some options like Examination, Board, year
- Chose ‘Dakhil’ from the Examination name
- Chose ‘Madrasa’ from the Board name
- Then chose your passing year 2023
- Provide your Dakhil roll number in the Roll number option.
This is how you can check your dakhil result and download the marksheet with subject wise number. Madrasha Board students get link for download dakhil result 2023 session. Madrasha board students know her exam result visit on eboardresults com or educationboardresults gov bd.
SSC Dakhil Result 2023
The result is published at 12:00 PM. Consolation goes for the students who could not obtain the pass mark. But there is a way for them, they can apply for board challenge.
Submit your information and you will get your Dakhil result 2023 with GPA numbers for each subject. Intermediate and Secondary Education Boards Bangladesh. Official Website of Education Board. The
Students can download their result marksheet following the way that is mentioned here. However, You can also know your result by sending a short SMS from mobile phone. The SSC Dakhil Result is now live on the official webpage of eboardresults.com.
Dakhil Exam result 2023
Now the result is live and students can download marksheet. So, if you are looking for the marksheet then follow the given rules. There are total of 11 Educational boards in Bangladesh. like Dhaka board, Dinajpur Board, Rajshahi board, Comilla Board, Chittagong Board, Sylhet board, Mymensing board, Technical Board and Madrasa Board.
To get your result by SMS:
- Type SSC <space> Board name <space> Roll number < year>
- Like: SSC MAD 8567414 2023 and send it to 16222 number
This year Madrasa board SSC result 2023 has been announced by Sheikh Hasina. She and the Education Ministry are happy with this result. She said, “Madrasa Board’s result is being good day by day”
Dakhil Exam year 2023 is important for the students of Madrasa board. Because if they are passed in this exam they will be able to enter in college life and study for Alim Certificate. So all the candidates fear for their Dakhil Results. Some wish to get A+ in this exam. In Dakhil Exam the 2023 passing rate is good enough.
source https://resultbd24.com/dakhil-result/