Rajshahi University C Unit Result 2023 has been Published 5th June. RU C Unit (Science Unit) Admission test was held. After the exam finished the RU C Unit Result is published. They published the result on their admission website admission ru ac bd result. You must know how to get Rajshahi University C Unit Result from online.
Here we are talking about Rajshahi University C Unit Result 2023. If you are a candidate of admission you must be searching for the result. You RU Result is given here so that you can see your result. Also you can learn the process to get result from RU official website ru ac bd. Also you can download RU admission result 2023 PDF.
Rajshahi University C Unit Result 2023
RU took their C Unit result in 4 shifts. The first shift started in 9:00AM. The admission test was held for 01 hour. Now the Rajshahi University C Unit result is published on ru ac bd results website. The passing rate and total passed student number is announced.
RU C unit Result has been Published
Total Passed Candidates: 23995
Passing rate: 38.9% (average)
RU authority publishes there RU C Unit result on their admission related website. Students find the result by login in on the site. Like every year this year RU has taken the admission test in MCQ method. That is result given very first today released C unit admission test final result.
RU C Unit Result link
There is a huge number of candidate in C Unit. A total of 72368 students gave admission test in C Unit. In Rajshahi University C Unit is separately for Science students.
The passing rate is quite low, the large number of candidates could not pass the test. The admission test has been held on 29 May. A small number of candidates did not participated in the admission test.
In Rajshahi University C unit is for science group students. Other group students cannot apply. In 2022-23 session there were 72 thousands candidates given the admission test. But seat number is only 1458. Average 49 students fighting for one seat in RU C Unit.
40 is the fixed pass mark for the Rajshahi University Admission Result. But most of the students could not obtain the pass mark in the admission test. Only the meritorious candidates are in the merit list. The waiting list is made and some candidates will be called from the waiting list.
RU C Unit Result PDF 2023
Rajshahi University C Unit Admission Merit & waiting list Result 2023 PDF. Students visit admission.ru.bd undergraduate website for get result using admission roll number. RU admission result 2023 is available on admission.ru.ac.bd website.
Students who are passed in the admission test will get subjects under these faculties. RU candidates were asking for the Rajshahi University C Unit Result. That’s why we are providing the result. Your admission result is published and you can check the result.
Rajshahi University candidates now can find out their admission results from here. All the candidates now can check out their roll number in the PDF file. You can see the detailed result by login into the web portal.
How to get Rajshahi University C Unit Result?
From online you can get your result. Students need the result pdf to download. So we are showing you how you can download the result PDF from RU website. RU has published the RU C Unit result merit list first. Then the waiting list will be published.
To get your Rajshahi University C Unit Result:
- Browse the website admission.ru.ac.bd result
- Then select “Students Login” option
- Then select your Unit (C Unit)
- Enter your roll number and see your result.
- Then your result will be visible on your screen
With this way you can get your result in a minute. You should know that your result is only published on the RU website.
RU C Unit Result 2023
The admission test was held for 80 marks. There was no written part instead of there were 80 MCQ questions in the test exam. Students had to answer all the questions.
In C Unit Bangla, English and general Science questions were for the test. All are passed students check result online and qualified candidates they found SMS with know Rajshahi University C Unit Result 2023.
Students fear about the negative marking. There is 0.20 negative marking in the RU admission test. It means 1 mark will be cut for every 5 wrong answers. RU publishes their admission result one week after the exam taken.
RU Admission Result 2023
After being eligible in the eligible list for the 2023 admission test students were worried for the test. There is nothing to worry about. You can easily check out the result from admission ru ac bd website. You can check your result by your mobile phone with merit score.
Rajshahi University have many faculties in C unit. As we know C unit is for science students. Candidates will get subject according to their RU Admission Result merit position. Congratulations to you if you have passed the admission test.
Rajshahi University announced the notice for RU C unit result publishing. That notice tells us that RU has published the C Unit result. Result website RU AC BD through all admission related information.
Students gave the admission test for Science Education Faculty. Students who attended the admission test now get the result. Students search for Rajshahi University C Unit Result on internet. But firstly they should know the result process.
source https://resultbd24.com/rajshahi-university-c-unit-result/