National University NU Honours Result 2023 Year 2019-20 is published by results. The passing rate is 95.39%. National University official website latest update news has been published result 2023. Online & SMS systems can download nu results. If you know (Degree, Honours, Master’s and Professional) all category results will be found at &
Today on June 5, National University 2nd Year Result 2023 is published. If you want to check your result then you will follow the mentioned method which is given here. Easily you will get your Honours 2nd Year Result marksheet from our website.
NU Honours 2nd year result 2023 Passing rate : 95.39%
NU Honours Result 2023
Each student can download a NU honours marksheet download with GPA. Enter roll no & registration number type nu honours result 2023 check. National University nu full marksheet download only online-, or and also know by SMS.
Honours 2nd Year Exam Result 2023 is now available. National University candidates now can check out their results through our website. The honours 2nd year result 2023 is now available for all regular, irregular and grade improvement candidates. bd
Honours Result can be checked from the official portal. Now the result is live and every candidate can check result from here. It is easy to check result and download the marksheet.
The students can download the NU Honours Result 2023. Every students of Regular, irregular and improvement all students’ results are collected in the NU Result 2023 nu edu bd website. You can get your result with your Registration Number.
You will download your 2nd year result marksheet from the official website. You will enter your 2nd year roll and registration number to get the markheet.
How to know NU Result 2023?
There are many students who do not know how to get NU 2nd year result. So they search on google for NU 2nd year result 2023. But sometimes they feel problem to find the real link for result. So here we discussing about the way. NU did not published the result in PDF format. That means you will check your individual marksheet online.
There are a lot of candidates who appeared in the Honours year exam. all of them are now eagerly awaited for the NU result publication. this year the passing rate is like other years. But candidate number is increased this year. Suddenly authority released result in their official website.
NU Honours Result 2023
National University Honours Result 2023 total candidates 4,33,249 attend 2nd year exam. So now students check nu honours result with marksheet Online on bd and website. If you don’t know how to check the NU result you can learn it from here.
The marksheet presents your individual subject marks. The candidates now can check their results from the official NU Result portal. Easily you can download your result marksheet. The marksheet will present your each subject marks. National University candidates now can find their honours 2nd year result from here. The markhseet can be downloaded just by entering roll and registration number.
How to Check your NU Result online – result 2023
All the final year exam candidates are worried about their second year result. They knew that their result will be published today. So they search on google for their 2nd year result.
Follow the steps given below:
- Go to NU website at
- Select your exam Name Honours 2nd year
- Enter your registration number
- Then select your exam Exam year 2021
- Fill up you Captcha code there
- And then press “Submit” and get your result.
National University two official websites providing all year exam NU Result archive. You can use any of them to get your result or download your mark sheet. National University result website may be blocked for a while.

Students of 2018-19 session can get their Honours result from this website. Students find their result easily by online way. By two method NU is publishing their result for the students. Your result is not PDF, instead of that, you can check your individual result from the NU portal. 2018-19 session
Honours 2nd Year Result 2023 for Bangladesh National University Students. The exam was held on website students get result online way so that way check under given instruction.
- At first go to the NU others website at
- Select your exam Name Honours 2nd Year
- Write your NU Roll/registration number
- Then select your exam Exam year
- Last step is to search for your result.
How to Check your NU Honours 2nd Year Result 2023 With Mobile SMS. Most of the students dont know about the SMS service. It is an easy and alternative of online way. It helps students to get their honours result within a minute.
- NU <space> H3 <space>Registration Number. (Last 7 Digit) and Send to 16222
- Example: NU H2 1234567 then send this message to 16222 number.
Students check NU Honours 2nd year result from the mobile phone, computer, and mobile SMS. As a result, most of the students don’t know how to check Honours second Year Result 2023.
National University NU ac bd result with Marksheet download using honours registration number. All are students wait for 2nd year result online and SMS way. It is the result publishing website for National University. All the student has got their result through our showed link also you can check your result.