JU Seat plan 2023 has been out on juniv-admission.org website. Jahangirnagar University Seat Plan is published by JU authority. Every details about the exam shift, exam time, Hall name etc. will be visible in the seat plan.
The Jahangirnagar University seat plan is published 2 days before the exam date. Candidates can get their JU seat plan for 2022-23 session from here.
There are total of 7 units in Jahangirnagar University. This year all this unit admission date is fixed. Their Admit card has been released from JU. As we have published all the necessary information for JU admission so we are publishing the JU admit card and also the seat plan.
JU Seat plan 2023
Jahangirnagar University is one of the top university of our country. There are many students who dream to study in it. After completing the JU application students were thinking when the JU seat plan will be available. Their answer is JU Admission Seat plan is available before the exam date. Here is the seat plan given for students.
There is an announcement that says the JU admission test date will be held. In this time all unit exam will be taken. JU will take their admission test in their campus. There will be five shifts in a day for the exam. The JU seat plan is published here.
Jahangirnagar University Seat Plan
If you don’t know how to get Jahangirnagar University Seat plan? Don’t worry about that. We are telling you how you can get your seat plan for JU admission.
There is a short way to get JU seat plan. You just have to login into the website to get your seat plan. Students need the seat plan because without knowing their seat plan they can not attend the admission test. In total of 5 shifts JU will take their admission test.
1st Shift | 2nd Shift | 3rd Shift | 4th Shift | 5th shift |
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM | 10:25 AM to 11:25 Am | 11:500 Am to 12:50 PM | 01:50 PM to 02:50 PM | 03:15 PM to 04:15 Pm |
Juniv-admission org Seat plan
There will be 60 mark Admission test for JU. Students have to answer 60 MCQ question for their test. Candidates will get 40 minutes for the exam and 5 minutes extra for their OMR sheet. Total 45 minutes will be for them in all unit admission test.
JU seat plan is available on juniv-admission org wesite. It is the main website of Jahangirnagar University. They provide all of their update notice and information on this website. There should be no problem to get the seat plan for candidates. To get your JU seat plan follow this:
- Go to juniv-admission.org
- There is a option Seat Plan
- Provide your Roll Number there
- Then you will see your seat plan
This is how you will find out the seat plan for the admission test.
Ju.ac.bd Admission Seat plan
Students search for their JU seat plan on ju ac bd. They know that it is the official website of Jagangirnagar University.
Candidates must check the seat plan from the official website. It is easy to check out the result from our website. Students want to get JU B unit seat plan, JU A unit seat plan, JU C unit seat plan, JU D unit seat plan etc. All unit JU seat plan has been published on time. Students will be able to get his/her seat plan 72 hours earlier the exam starts.
JU Admission Exam Date
This year there are many Intermediate passed students who have applied for the Ju admission. The admission date is fixed and all candidates must get their JU seat plan 2023. Jahangirnagar University authority publishes their seat plan for all unit in juniv-admission org web site.
Recently Jahangirnagar University published their seat plan for the admission test. The JU 2022-23 seat plan is available on the JU admission portal. You can check your Jagangirnagar University seat plan with the way we have showed to you.
Students who have applied they must get their JU admission seat plan. With our given method you can easily get your must needed seat plan for Ju admission 2022-23. So keep looking for your seat plan in our website. When the seat plan is published we will update the news here.
source https://resultbd24.com/ju-seat-plan/