DU Admission Result 2023 has been Published Today on 5 June 2023 at 1.00 PM. Since, there was written part along with the MCQ part in the admission test so it took about four weeks to publish the result. Dhaka University Admission Result Merit List can be checked from here for A, B, C and CHA unit.
Only a minimum number of candidates have been passed in the admission test. Individual result can be found here after login. You can also know the DU Result 2023 by SMS. The subject choice application will be start after publishing all unit result sequentially.
DU Admission Result 2023
Dhaka University chairman has announced the DU Admission Result 2023 through a notice on du.ac.bd. That’s how the candidates are confirmed that their DU A Unit result 2023 are available to check.
The admission website of Dhaka University is admission eis du ac bd. This web portal is responsible for the DU Vorti Result publication. However, DU KA, KHA, GA and CHA unit admission result is going to be published within a few days.
DU Result 2023
According to DU notice, the DU Admission Result 2023 merit list has been made for 120 marks. The admission test is taken for 100 marks and the rest 20 will come from SSC and HSC GPA. SSC GPAx2 and HSC GPAx2, this is how the 20 marks will be count.
In case to check out your Dhaka University Admission Result, you have to visit admission eis du ac bd website. There, you have to login into your account by SSC and HSC roll number. Previously, this portal provided the admit card and seat plans for all unit candidates.
How to Check DU A Unit Result 2023?
For your kind information, there are two methods to check out the DU Admission Result 2023. First of all, you can see your result by login into admission eis du ac bd portal. This is the admission portal of DU. Then you can also know your result by SMS. You just have to send one SMS to 16321 number to get your result.
Dhaka University Admission Result 2023
du.ac.bd admission Result 2023 is being published for four units of Dhaka University. The first admission test was held for Cha unit on 29 April. Then A unit, B unit and C unit admission test was taken. However, each unit admission test is being published within four weeks.
Each candidate has to obtain 24 mark in MCQ part and 16 mark in written part. Total 40 marks is needed to be passed in the admission test. But only passing is not enough for this DU admission. Because, there will be many candidates who have obtained the pass mark. To get a seat, you must cover a good merit score and merit position in DU Admission Result 2023.
du.ac.bd admission Result KA Unit
This is the Dhaka University Admission Result Merit List for 2022-23 session. For your kind information, the candidates who could not pass the admission test will not be allowed for the admission.
To check your result:
- Visit admission eis du ac bd website [Click Here]
- Login there by entering your SSC and HSC roll
- Go to the ‘Result’ section
- Click on your unit name (KA, KHA, GA or Cha)
- Then you will see your result
If you are successful, you will fill up the SIF form through the admission portal. You will apply for subject choice preference. Be careful while you select the subjects. You must be aware of your merit score as you will get subject according to your merit score.
DU Admission Result 2023 by SMS
Today, the DU Admission Result 2023 has been published. You have learned to check the result from online. Now you will see the SMS method-
SMS Format: DU <space> Unit Name <space> Admission Roll and send to 16321
- For A unit: DU <space> A <space> Admission Roll and send to 16321
- For B unit: DU <space> B <space> Admission Roll and send to 16321
- For C unit: DU <space> C <space> Admission Roll and send to 16321
- For CHA unit: DU <space> CHA <space> Admission Roll and send to 16321
This year, the passing rate is quite low which means the larger number of candidates could not obtain the minimum pass mark. Whatever, the successful candidates will go for the next step of the admission procedure.
DU Result Merit List 2022-23
Dhaka University Admission Test Result 2023 has been already published. Each unit candidates are going to know their results in separate date. Congratulations to the successful candidates. Though the passing rate is low a good number of candidates have passed.
Here, du.ac.bd admission Result is available for all KA, KHA, GA and GHA unit candidates. Some candidates have given admission test for two units. So, they can also check out their DU Result Merit List from here. Both online and SMS methods are described here which will help you to know your result.
Dhaka University Admission Result
DU Admission Result 2023 Review Application:
It is possible to apply for re-check your exam paper. For this, you have to go to DU campus manually and submit your application form. You will pay 1000tk for this re-check application. If your result is changed then your 1000tk will be paid back and your merit position will be changed.
Dhaka University SIF Form Fill-up:
The candidates who have passed the admission test will fill up the final admission form. The schedule for the final admission is already announced. You have to be aware of the deadline of the final admission. Your admission will not be accepted after the deadline.
source https://resultbd24.com/du-admission-result-2023/