DU 7 college A unit Result 2023 is available now on internet. The A unit admission test was held and authority has published the result. Now DU 7 College Admission Result can be found here. DU 7 college A unit result is available from here.
A unit admission test has been taken on 17 June. Authority did not make any delay to publish the Science unit merit list. Candidates can find individual result from the online portal. You will find your merit score and the merit position there.
DU 7 College A Unit Result
These seven colleges are located inside Dhaka and they are under Dhaka University. Science unit holds the most number of candidates every year. This year is also same. Students appeared in the exam hall and now they need to check the result.
Among three units A unit admission test has been taken first. Students are much excited when they heard their DU 7 college A unit result 2023 is published.
A unit is for science group candidates. If you have been a candidate for A unit then simply check out the results from here. You have to be careful to choose the subject at final admission time. Select subject that you can hope to get. Do not select higher subject if you don’t have good merit position.
DU 7 College A Unit Result 2023
Students did not expected that their result would be published very fast. If you have participated in the admission test you can see your result now. Follow our given instructions to see your result.
There are a huge number of candidates attended the admission test. But seat number is no enough for them. There a good competition appears in the admission test. After you login you will see your DU 7 college a unit result button. Read the full process given below.
Firstly DU 7 College Admission Science unit merit list is published. Students can see their merit position in the result portal. But you have to how to check the result first. Authority has two ways to provide the result for the candidates. We have mentioned that they published the result in their official website. They are also providing result by mobile SMS.
7 College Result Login
Seven colleges admission test is taken for 100 mark MCQ questions. There were all science related subject questions in the test. Biology, physics, Chemistry, Math, Bangla and English subjects were included in the exam paper. Science unit has the most number of candidates.
To check your result:
- Visit 7 college website collegeadmission eis du ac bd
- Tap on “Applicant’s Login”
- Provide your SSC and HSC roll number and board name
- Click on your applied unit name
- There you will find “Result” option
- Click on that and see your merit result
Your merit position is the most important thing for your admission. If you have passed the admission test you have to choose subjects and college preference as you want. Your subject will be fixed according to your subject preference and merit position.
DU 7 College A Unit Subject Choice
However, DU 7 college A unit result 2023 can be checked by your mobile SMS. It is an easy and fast way to check the admission result. You can send message from any mobile operator except Grameenphone. The SMS method is:
- Go to your mobile message option
- Type: DU <space> CSC <space> Admission roll
- Example: DU CSC 123654
- Send this message to 16321 number.
Wait a short moment after you send the message. Their message service is fast but many students try together, so it can be little late to send your result by SMS.
Dhaka University affiliate seven college A unit is for science unit students. The exam was held in MCQ method. All the students get their A unit admission result. Result is published on the admission related website collegeadmission eis du ac bd. Students have to login in this website to see their DU 7 college A unit result. Lear how to check result from here.
Dhaka University Seven College A unit Result 2023
Seven college science unit merit list has been published. The highest mark is obtained by a girl. The candidates who have been successful in this merit list will complete the final admission.
All these seven colleges are inside Dhaka City. Students want to study in Dhaka, so they need a seat in seven colleges. These colleges are much older and well known among the students. The whole 7 college admission process is complete by Dhaka University authority.
We have mentioned both online way and SMS way to check the DU 7 college A unit Result. If you still have any question about the result, let us know. If you find any kind of disturbance to see your result, see your result by SMS.
After you have got your result, complete your final admission. In the result notice they have mentioned the stipulated time for admission. Students have to choose subject and college within this time. After the deadline their admission will not be accepted.
source https://resultbd24.com/du-7-college-a-unit-result/