RU Result 2023 C Unit is now released and applicants can check their result. RU Science unit admission Result published and it is announced by the RU authority. The authority has been able to publish the C Unit result within short time. The passing rate, total passed candidate number etc. are mentioned here.
Looking for RU Result 2023? Rajshahi University Admission Test Result published at link. All the candidates will download their unit wise result PDF to see the result. Also, by login into the admission portal you can see your detailed result with each subject marks.
RU Result
RU result is available from 10:00 Am. You can see your admission result on this page. You can download your RU result PDF on your mobile phone. The exam venue was only in Rajshahi University campus.
Congratulations to the students who have passed the MCQ Test.
A Unit passing rate is %
RU B Unit Passing rate is %
C unit Passing rate is %
You can see RU admission passing rate, total passed candidate number, highest mark on their website.
Students must check their RU result 2023 from their website admission ru ac bd. As you want to see your result you have to know how to check RU result C unit. We are describing the process of getting your result from online. Detailed result is published in RU website.
RU Result 2023
They first took the C (Science) unit test. The B (Business Studies) unit test has been taken and the A (humanities) unit test is taken. Now their RU Result is available. To see your result you have to login in their website. When you try to see your result without knowing the right way, you can’t see it.
RU C unit result login
Rajshahi University students check ru result on website. RU Result C unit has been published today so check very simply way using your admission roll number. Easily students can find their admission result of Rajshahi University from our website.
You have already given the admission test exam and you need to see your result. Students can get admit according to their result and merit position. Now the result for RU A, B, C unit admission test is available and you can check your result. Result 2023
Rajshahi University announced the RU result publishing date on a meeting. They have published the result within one week of the admission test. It has been possible because the exam was taken in MCQ method. Test was taken in 80 mark question and there were 80 MCQ questions.
Three units A unit, B unit and C unit result is available on the internet. In Rajshahi University 178268 students have given the admission test for a total 4020 seats.
You should know that you can see your result from the RU website students’ login portal. You can learn to get your result from here.
Check: RU A unit Result
Check: RU C Unit Result
Check: RU B Unit Result
We have tried our best to answer your questions and publish the result. Since the exam venue is only RU campus, so the exam is taken in four shifts for each unit. Students were informed about their shift and seat plan before the exam.
How to check RU Result 2023?
Unit Name: | Result Link |
A Unit (Arts) | এ ইউনিট রেজাল্ট দেখুন |
B Unit (Business) | বি ইউনিট রেজাল্ট দেখুন |
C unit (Science) | সি ইউনিট রেজাল্ট দেখুন |
Students want to know the way to check their admission test result. You should know that RU doesn’t provide their result by SMS. You must see your result online. On their admission related website you will find your C unit result.
To get your RU Result follow these steps:
1) Go to the RU portal
2) Chose your unit name (A, B or C)
3) Provide your roll number
4) You can see the result can also download the result pdf from there
Rajshahi University (RU) Honours Admission Test Result 2023 of C Unit now available at you have to visit this page to find your result. You must know that, the result is not published in PDF format.
RU Result 2023 C Unit
Most number of candidates has applied for C unit. You know that C unit is for science group students. There are many faculties in C unit. A total of 72, 410 students attended the admission test for C unit. Candidates find their admission result from the official website of RU. admission ru ac bd website is providing the result for candidates.
As first the C unit test was taken first, so C unit result is published first. Students need to see their admission result. In C unit students face a huge competition for admission. Though candidate number increased but passing rate is same as previous years.
RU Result 2023 PDF Download
RU Admission test result 2023 has been published so students check result online on ru ac bd website. Rajshahi University C unit result released. Students have got their Admission result from the Ru website. Rajshahi University chairman released the result at 02:00PM.
We have showed you the way to see your RU result for admission 2022-23 session. Now you can see your result by your own. See your result by going to the login portal in RU website. Don’t forget to download the result PDF from there.