RU B Unit Result 2023 has been published June 2023 by RU authority. Students can find their Rajshahi University B unit Result from online. B unit admission test was taken. After then students were asking for the RU Result 2023 publishing date. Students can download their B unit admission result pdf.
Here we are talking about the RU B unit Result 2023. Recently Rajshahi University has released their admission result. Total Seat number, passing number and total passed candidates number is given here. To get your result you have to know the result checking system. Here we are showing you how you can see your RU B unit admission Result. .
RU B Unit Result
Rajshahi University has taken their three units admission test now check result on Result. A huge number of candidates applied for RU 2022-23 admission. B unit is for Business studies group students. There are one faculty and one institute in B unit.
- 1) Faculty of Business Studies – 510 seats
- 2) Institute of Business Administrations – 50 seats
Are you looking for the Rajshahi university B unit result 2023? Recently the the RU B unit result is going to be published today so you check here. RU Result 2023 link for B unit merit score check using admission roll number.
RU B Unit Result 2023
There are only 560 seats in B unit for 2022-23 session. But candidate number is much more than it. There were 38621 admission candidates for B unit. The admission test was taken in three shifts. So now all shift admission test result published check result online on RU AC BD.
Students were worried about their RU Admission Result. Rajshahi University is publishing their B unit result within one week finishing the admission test. Like every year RU took their B unit admission by MCQ (Multiple Choice Question). The OMR sheet is not evaluated manually. A machine can evaluate the OMR sheet in a short time.
Rajshahi University B Unit Result 2023
Students asked the RU B unit result publishing date to us. The result is publishing on the first days of August. Rajshahi University Chairman announced the result date before publishing it. Few days earlier C unit result was published. Now B (Business Studies) Unit result is available for candidates.
One thing you should know that the admission result is published only in RU official admission website. Exam venue was only in Rajshahi University Campus. Other units took admission test in four shifts. But B unit candidates number was less that’s why B unit was taken in three shifts.
Rajshahi University B Unit Result
The results are published from the official website of RU AC BD so you can check your B unit (Commerce) group MCQ admission test result check.
Students gave the B unit exam for 1 hour. There were 100 mark MCQ exam in the test. The pass mark is fixed 40 marks. On the admission day first shift exam was started in 09:00 and ended at 10:00 Am. In the first shift there were 17thousands students attended the exam.
There were negative marking in the admission test. 0.20 marks will be deducted from your mark for every wrong answer. Students have to be much careful for their admission test. Wrong answer will give them low marks.
RU B Unit Result PDF Download
This year the result is not published in PDF format. You can see your individual result from the website. You can take a screenshot to save the result. You can easily go to the link and see your result merit score. Also you have to know the result method to see your result.
There are many candidates who don’t know how to check RU B Unit Result. For them it will be very helpful if we show the result process. Students will get their B unit admission test result if they follow the mentioned result checking instructions.
How to check RU B Unit Result 2023?
To see your result follow:
- Visit the Rajshahi University website
- Find the “RU B Unit Result” option and tap on it
- Choose your Unit Name ‘B’ Unit
- Enter Admission roll number and see your result
Total passed number and passing rate has been announced by RU authority. RU Business group students check her B unit result so visit ru ac bd results website using ru admission roll number and get result. Here we provide RU KHA Unit Admission result 2023 from the official website or Rajshahi University.
In 2023 session, admission there were total of 178268 candidates in three units. B unit holds the lowest number of candidates. Because there are less number of seat in B unit than A and RU C Unit Result.
RU B unit Result 2023
There are total of 59 faculty and 2 institutions in Rajshahi University. Among them B unit has one faculty and one institution. Most of the faculties are under C (Science) unit. In the Business Studies faculty there are six departments. Only 510 students will be chosen for the B unit.
In RU B unit Result there are some students who are in the waiting list. They will publish the waiting list soon on their website. You may have learned the RU B unit Result checking system. This post helped you to find your admission result.
Congratulations to you if you are passed in the admission test. You will get subject according to your merit position. To get the most valuable subject you have to get a good merit score in the admission test. There are many students who answered all questions but got less mark. It has been because of the negative marking.