Degree 1st year result 2023 has been released today in website. Degree candidates now can download his/her 1st year result with marksheet from online. Degree 1st year result 2023 Session 2020-2021 is published by the NU authority. We will tell all the information about this NU ac bd results publication in this post.
Degree Result 1st Year is now available for all the candidates. There is regular, irregular and grade improvement students participated in the Degree First Year Result 2023. You can download the result marksheet with number.
Degree 1st year result 2023
National University is the largest university of Bangladesh. About 2245 colleges runs under NU. NU degree is a three year course for candidates. Degree 1st year result is important for students. Because this result tells if you can do better in front years. Now the result is published. So download it from your mobile phone.
National University Degree 1st Year is now available for all the candidates. You will get the Degree result marksheet from the official website. The website is now providing the result for the candidates.
NU Degree 1st year result
There are two ways of getting Degree 1st year result. From website and by SMS in mobile phone. You can download your degree result with marksheet from the website of nu ac bd or you can simply know your result with SMS. This methods are so easy that anyone can get your result. We will tell you both.
There are two websites of National University. Nu ac bd and are websites where degree 1st year result is going to be published. Who are willing to get your result can go to this website. A huge number of students have participated in the first year final exam. Now the result is live for them and every student can download the marksheet. So, each candidate now check your result and get your marksheet with number. degree result 2023
The method of getting result is easy if you have a mobile or computer and internet connection. Here is the method:
- Go to website of
- There select degree option
- Then chose 1st year
- There provide your 1st year exam roll or registration number and exam academic year
- Then enter the captcha code there and click submit.
- Your result will be shown to you.
This year there are about 2 lakhs students appearing in degree first year exam. Students got their result together in the result publication day. But some of the candidates had to face problem to see their result. Every candidate will follow this given way to download their marksheet.
nu ac bd result website is publishing the result for the candidates. Degree candidates get your result by following as we have showed here. The marksheet can be downloaded with your exam roll number. Also you can know your exam result by sending SMS.
Degree 1st year result 2021-2022
NU authority said that this year the result publication is being late. First date of this result publication was in March. But they could not publish it. Then they said to publish it in April. For some problems it was not possible. But finally the result is published today in the national university result publishing website.
There are two website which provide the Degree 1st year result 2023. First one is results nu ac bd results and the second one is nubd info website. You can use any of these websites to see your result. If you dont have internet connection then dont worry.
College authority can check college wise result from the same website. They have to provide the college PIN and password. They will collect the result from online and publish in the college campus. Now you can easily check your result from here.
NU degree 1st year result by SMS
If you still cant get result from online there is another way to check degree 1st year result. This is SMS way. Here is the method:
- Go to message option
- Type NU <space> DEG <space> your roll or registration number
- Example: NU DEG 0125874 and send it to 16222 number from any mobile operator.
NU Result Teletalk
Every students also get result by teletalk sim so follow instruction for get result. Students need to get their mark sheet. you should know that you can see and download result marksheet from results nu ac bd website.
Every year a good number of candidate get into Degree (pass) course. They sit for the first year exam. This year the exam is taken and the result has been published online. First year result is much important for the students because it is their first exam. If they can make a good score it can increase their confidence.
This SMS way is a good alternative of website way. When the website is slow or not working students can easily know his result from SMS.