National University Honours 1st Year Result 2023 is now published in nu ac bd results. You can check your result and download it from online. All the Honours candidates were waiting for the result. NU authorities said the result was published today on their official website.
Those who were waiting for the result publication can get their Honours 1st year result 2023. Some students don’t know the process of getting results online. If you want to know how to download Nu honors 1st year result then you are in the right place.
According to the information of national universities in Bangladesh the Honours 1st year Result 2023 is published. The result is available online in the NU website. You can easily download your honours 1st year result 2023 from there. We will show you the method of NU Honours first year result download.
NU Honours 1st Year Result 2023
Usually the result is published within 3 months after the exam. But this year it is late for some problems. But after everything the result is published and students will get their result today.

Honours 1st Year Result 2023
Honours 1st year result can be known by two methods. One is from online and second is by SMS service. We will provide both methods of getting your result. Read the full post so you can download your result.
The NU is one of the most popular university of our country. Every year many students want to get admit in NU National university. After the first year honours exam finishes students wait for the result publication. Candidates eagerly waiting for the result.
But there were some problems for publishing it. Students search online to get their result. But some students don’t get the useful website for result.
National University Honours 1st Year Result 2023
These results are only for the students who are in the session 2021-22 (Regular Students) and 2020-21(improvement or Irregular Students) and also for the students who are in the 2019-20 session.
The result is mainly called honours first year result 2023 Because of the national university counts the previous year’s resulting system. When you can take the results of the National University website then you will have to put the year 2023.
NU Regular, irregular and grade-improvement exam candidates now check your result from here. With a short trick your result from the NU website.
National University Honours 1st Year Exam Result
Honours First year result is important for all the candidates. Because this result will help next year results. Students try best to get a good score in this test. So they are waiting for the result. If you are a candidate of Nu honours 1st year exam then you must want to see your result. Don’t worry you will get it from here.

National University publishes all their result in their official website. But sometimes their website is busy due to heavy traffic. Because today all the students will search for their result in that website. But there is another way you can know your result. SMS service is a easy way. But you cant download your result from it. Nu ac bd and nu edu bd are the websites which provides honours 1st year result 2023.
How to Get Honours 1st Year Result 2023?
We are showing you the way you can check your result from the website. Honours 1st year students follow these instructions given to get result. You can go to nu ac bd/results or nubd infor website to get your result. Both websites provide NU honours first year result.
- First you browse the website.
- When the website is browsed click in the honours option.
- There chose first year.
- Give your academic information.
- Then click submit. If your information are not wrong you will see your result.
- Download it and print a color copy.
All students get nu result 2023 online with marksheet released honours 1st year result 2023.
Honours 1st Year Result 2023
If you want to know your result by SMS service we will show you the method. This message system helps the candidates to get the result within a short time.
Honours 1st Year Result By Mobile SMS
Go to your message option of your mobile phone.
- Example: NU H1 123654841 Send To 16222.
Honours 1st Year Improvement Result 2023
There are many Students who is not to satisfied with their result. You can apply for the re-scrutiny of your exam sheet. If you want to know about the re-scrutiny there is a process for it. But you have to pay 800tk for re-scrutiny application.
NU chairman has published the result notice in their website and also published the result for candidates. Re-scrutiny application is an option for review your exam paper. Many students have applied for it because they have failed in one or two subjects. You have to submit your re scrutiny application within one month.
NU Honours 1st Year Result 2023
Honours first year is the most important time for the students. Because this time they are new for the university level. In the first year exam they try their best for a good score. But it is not so easy. That’s why students eagerly wait for the result.
Have you downloaded your Honours first year marksheet? You are able to download your result PDF from our website very easily. You will need to provide the registration number in the empty box and then download the result from here.
In this post we showed two methods of getting honours 1st year result. With this methods you can easily check your result and download it Thanks for reading the full post. We hope you find useful post.