BTEB Admission Result 2023 is going to be released on 1st January, 2023 on btebadmission gov bd result. This is the BTEB 1st Merit List Result for the 2022-23 session admission. Applicants can check Polytechnic Admission Result from www bteb gov bd admission result portal. Several merit list and migration results will be published from BTEB for the admission procedure. You will see the allocated institution name in the BTEB Govt Diploma Admission result portal.
BTEB Admission Result 2023
This year, increased number of SSC passed student have applied for BTEB Diploma Admission. Students can know the result from 08 PM from online. Official website bteb gov bd is publishing the result for the applicants. BTEB is publishing BTEB Govt Diploma Admission Result individually for each student. That means you have to login in the official website bteb gov bd to view your Diploma in Engineering Admission Result.
Many students have applied for quota. You should know that quota result and general BTEB Admission Result is published at the same time. Applicants are getting their result within a short time. Students can know their given institution name through bteb gov bd result 2022-23 portal. Candidates are confused about how to check the result from online. But here you find the result checking process mentioned for the students who are looking for their results online.
www bteb gov bd result 2022-23
According to the admission notice and circular, we can know that there will be total three phases for the BTEB XI class admission. The first phase application is finished and result is already published. BTEB will send SMS to the selected candidates to inform about the result. The SMS will be sent to the same number which was provided at the application time. By the way, some candidates may not receive message from BTEB. Don’t worry; you are able to check result from bteb gov bd result portal also.
The second phase application is going to be start from 06 January, 2023. So, if you are not in the first phase result then you can apply in the second phase.
BTEB 1st Merit List Result
After publishing the BTEB Admission Result, confirmation starts from 2nd January, 2023. If you are selected in the first phase merit list then you have to confirm your seat in the nominated college. You should know that, if you don’t confirm then your first phase nomination and application will be dismissed by BTEB. That time you will be allowed to apply in the 2nd phase.
Auto migration is available for BTEB polytechnic Admission result 1st Merit. You cannot turn on or turn off migration manually. If you confirm the nomination then migration will be started automatically. Note that BTEB will publish first phase migration result with the second phase result. After publishing the first phase BTEB Govt Diploma Admission Result, the final admission will be held from 26 January to 02 February. That time you have to go to the college office and submit required papers.
BTEB Govt Diploma Admission Result 2023
Students have to login to view BTEB Admission Result 2022-23. To login, you will need SSC roll, registration number, board name and passing year. Every student is able to check the Diploma in Engineering Admission Result from bteb gov bd result website.
Follow the instructions to check result:
- Open a browser and go to
- Click on your applied course name from the list
- Then click on ‘View Result’
- Provide SSC information
- Press submit and see your Polytechnic Admission Result
It is the process to check BTEB admission result individually. Students will see their college name in the result portal. Also, they will see course name and shift name there. Students who have applied with quota also they get result at the same time. If you have applied for the quota then check result from our website. The quota name will be mentioned in the result portal after you login.
Polytechnic Admission Result 2023 www bteb gov bd
BTEB has taken online application on 13 to 27 December, 2022. The applicants are getting their result very soon after the application. Many candidates ask how to check BTEB Admission Result for 2022-23 session. However, take a look at the BTEB admission 1st phase timeline-
- 1st Phase Result Publication: 01 January, 2023
- Confirmation Time: 02 January to 05 January
- Final Admission: 26 January to 02 February
Confirmation means you are happy with the given college and you want to study in it. If you confirm, you cannot apply again in the 2nd phase. The diploma admission result is published by the Ministry of Education. There was a notice on the official website about the result publication. The chairman of BTEB has published the result notice for the students.
BTEB Diploma Admission Result 2023
The BTEB Govt Diploma Admission Result migration will be automatically turned on after you confirm. Students can pay the confirmation fee through any mobile banking system. However, the admission procedure will be end by the final admission. Students who have been selected in the first, second or third phase will complete BTEB admission at final admission time.
Applicants can check their BTEB admission result from 08 PM. Both applicants and their parents are worried about the result. Because one candidate was allowed to select up to 15 institutions at the application time. So, they eagerly want to know in which institute they have got chance to study. But their excitement ends as the Govt Diploma Admission Result is published on bteb gov bd result website.
Diploma in Engineering Admission Result
The first phase BTEB admission result is already published for the applicants. If you are selected then confirm your selection. The final admission date is 26 January to 02 February. You have to complete your admission by going to the college office with required documents. You may need to submit your original certificate and marksheet to college authority. Also, you have to submit your SSC Testimonial to college authority.
BTEB has finished the first phase by publishing the result. The next procedure will be held step by step. If you have already got the first choice college then you will not get the benefit of migration. Because migration only goes for upper preference. If you have confirmed, then wait for the final admission date. The final admission starts on 22 January and it will continue till 26 January, 2023.