bteb admission gov bd result 2023 is already published on 1st January. Polytechnic Admission Result 2023 Confirmation starts next day after publishing the result. Official website is http:// bteb admission gov bd is publishing the result for the applicants. You will see the waiting list by login into the website. BTEB 2nd merit result can be checked by the same way.
The bteb admission gov bd result is published at 08 PM from BTEB authority. The students who have applied for the admission can see their allocated institute name from online. The final admission date is announced by the authority. Students who have been selected in the polytechnic first merit will complete admission within the stipulated time.
bteb admission gov bd result
Like every year, this year a huge number of candidates have applied for the BTEB admission 2023. But this year, the applicant number is increased. However, BTEB has published the first phase BTEB Admission GOV BD result. They have provided the bteb admission result through the official admission related website.
So, you must login to know your result from online. Students those have good GPA in SSC exam will easily get institution in the first phase result. The waiting list will be published very soon. Please note that 1st merit list migration result is published with the second merit result.
www bteb admission gov bd result 1st merit
Bangladesh Technical Education Board authority has taken the first phase online application from 13 to 27 December. Then all the applications are processed and finally published the result on 1st January at 08 PM. The 2nd merit result will be published on 11 January.
Whatever, maybe you are looking to know your bteb admission result. Your result can be checked from this website. You just have to provide your SSC roll, security code and board name. You will see a few empty boxes where you have to enter this information.
Some students have lost security code. If you have lost your security code then don’t worry. The security code is an important thing for the bteb admission gov bd result system. You can recover your security code from the website. The security code recovery process is mentioned here in the below passage.
How to know BTEB Admission GOV BD result?
BTEB has informed the selected students through SMS in their mobile phone. But we noticed that some students didn’t get SMS. So, they become anxious about their bteb admission gov bd result. Since this messaging system is programmed so it is normal that a few students will not get SMS. However, weather you get SMS or don’t get SMS but you should check your result from online.
To know your result:
- First you have to go to the official
- There you will see all the offered course list
- Select your course name from there
- Then you have to click on ‘Login’ tab
- Provide your SSC information and security code
- Enter the captcha code and submit to view result
Students will your migration will be auto turned on after your confirmation. The first merit migration result will be published with the 2nd merit result publication time.
http:// bteb admission gov bd result
The first phase result is made according to student’s SSC obtained GPA. Students can check waiting list and BTEB 2nd merit list with the same way. As you know the second merit online application is going to be started from 06 January, 2023. Students if you are not in the first merit list then you will apply in the second phase.
BTEB 2nd phase timeline:
- Online application start: 06 January
- Online application end: 07 January
- Result publish: 11 January
- Confirmation: 12 to 14 January
After the first merit and second merit, the third merit will be started. Students those will not be selected in the first and second merit will apply for the third merit list. However, if you got chance then you have to confirm your selection. Merit & Waiting List 2022-23
BTEB will finish the full admission procedure within January month. You may have seen your bteb admission gov bd result from online. If you did not get any institute in the first merit then you will wait for the waiting list result publication.
The final admission date is 26 January to 02 February, 2023. Students who will get chance in first, second and third merit list will complete their admission within this stipulated time. BTEB will publish migration result for each merit list. So, you must check the migration result from website.
Bangladesh Technical Education Board is an important part of our education system. Many students are interested to study under BTEB institution. This year, a huge number of students have applied for 2022-23 session. That’s why there will be three phases for the admission system. You will get all the information from our website.