Www xiclassadmission.gov.bd result 2023 will be published on 31 December, 2022. The xiclassadmission gov bd Result is published for the class XI admission. You will need to login to view your result. Your name and stipulated college name will be shown in the result portal. Also, you will see the shift name there.
Education Ministry will publish HSC Admission 2023 the xiclassadmission.gov.bd result at 08 PM on the official website. The XI Class Admission Result first merit selected students will receive a short SMS from the board. The https://ift.tt/4giYDr0 result is the official website for the class 11 admission and result publication. The good news is, if you have lost your security code then you can recover it from this website. Students have been selected in the merit list according to the SSC GPA. However, you can check your result from here.
xiclassadmission.gov.bd result 2023
XI Class Admission Gov BD Result is published by the Education ministry. The chairman has released a notice on their website about the xiclassadmission.gov.bd result publication. This year, the applicant number is increased. Because, students who have passed SSC exam in 2020, 2021 and 2022 from any educational board have applied. Also, students from Bangladesh Open University have applied.
First Phase timeline:
- Online Application: 08 December to 15 December, 2022
- Total Applicants: 13 lakh and 50 thousands
- 1st Merit List Result Publication: 31 December
- Confirmation Date: 01 to 08 January, 2023
The HSC Admission Result would have been published a few days earlier. But the SSC candidates who have applied for the board challenge got their result on 25 December. So, they have submitted their XI class admission that day. Also, the applicants could change/edit their application on 26 December. Then, authority fixed 31 December to publish xiclassadmission.gov.bd result 2023.
https://ift.tt/4giYDr0 result 2022
Most of the selected candidates will be selected in the hsc admission first merit list. Candidates those have been selected have to confirm their selection by paying the fee. Ministry of Education has fixed the confirmation fee 328 tk which can be paid through mobile banking. So, if you have been selected then confirm your admission.
The final admission date is 22 to 26 January, 2023. The class will be start from February month. From the admission notice, we can see there will be three phase for the admission process. The first phase XI Class Admission Gov BD Result is already published. Now the authority is going for the next steps.
If you don’t confirm your selection then your application for the first phase will be lost. Then you have to apply in the next phase. Also, the student who is not selected in the merit list will apply for second phase. The second phase is going to be started from 09 January.
How to Know Result from xiclassadmission.gov.bd?
The xiclassadmission.gov.bd result 1st merit list candidate will be informed about the result through SMS. But there is an easy way to know the http//xiclassadmission.gov.bd result. Students are able to know the XI Class Admission Gov BD Result 2023 from the official admission portal.
HSC Admission Result check on line form xiclassadmission.gov.bd. They have to show proper proof for the quota they have selected. Freedom Fighter quota, Disability quota, Ethnic Minority quota was available there.
XI Class Admission Gov BD Result 2023
You may know about xi class admission result 2023. In this xiclassadmission.gov.bd result, the merit list is auto turned on and it will go for the upper selected institutions. If you think you will get admit to the institution which you have got, then turned off the migration at confirmation time.
It is easy to know the http//xiclassadmission.gov.bd 1st Merit List Result from online. You will need to login with the security code and view your result. The security code which you have got at the application time through SMS.
To check your result:
- Go to the official website http://xiclassadmission.gov.bd/
- Then click on ‘Result’ section
- There provide your SSC Roll, registration and security code
- Then press submit
- Your college name will be shown there
Students of 10 education board (except technical board) of Bangladesh have applied. Most of the students are from the 9 general boards. Also, a huge number of Madrasa students have submitted application for admission.
A total of 13.5 lakh students have submitted their online application for the class XI admission. That’s why Ministry of Education has to complete admission with several phases. The first phase is completed. Now the next step will be launched by the authority at the mentioned date.
HSC Admission Result 2023
The Full Admission Process Timeline:
1st Phase Online application | 08 to 15 December, 2022 |
Result Publication | 31 December, 2022 |
2nd Phase Online Application | 09 to 10 January, 2023 |
Result Publication | 12 January, 2023 |
3rd Phase Online Application | 16 January, 2023 |
Result Publication | 18 January, 2023 |
Final Admission | 22 to 26 January, 2023 |
If a student didn’t get any SMS from the board about his result then it is better to check the result from the website. He should follow the instructions given here to check xiclassadmission.gov.bd result from the portal. It is easy to get result as he has a smartphone on his hand.
The HSC Admission 2022-23 first merit list migration result will be published with the second phase result. But you don’t need to confirm again for the migration. Your admission will be transferred to the migrated college. Then you will complete the admission within 22 to 26 February by going to the college office.
https://ift.tt/4giYDr0 result 2023
The merit list process is a tough thing for the authority. First the SSC GPA is count to make merit list and publish the result. If the GPA is same then the total marks will be count for the result. If the total mark is same then subject wise result will be count to make merit list.
Now you may have seen your result from online. Congratulations to you if you have been selected in the merit list. Now you just have to confirm the selection and wait for the final admission date. But you have to remember that if you don’t confirm the admission then your selection will be lost. So, don’t miss the confirmation.
The students who haven’t been selected in the first phase merit list will apply for the second phase. The second phase application will be start from 09 January. Education Ministry will finish the full XI class admission system within January month. Because, they have announced to start class from February first week.
A total of three merit lists and two migration result will be published from the Education Ministry. The first phase is already completed and result is released. Students those have been selected will confirm and those have not been select will apply again.
source https://resultbd24.com/xiclassadmission-gov-bd-result/